My name is Juliana Mota. I am Brazilian and one of the world’s best fitness figures.

My story with fitness started when I was 13 years old, still in Brazil.
Coming from a simple family, bodybuilding immediately proved to be a real therapy.
At first, I was doing it to feel good and stronger, and then I was spotted by a trainer who suggested that I get into bodybuilding competitions.
I accepted the challenge. My first competition was a success and I ended up winning, But more than that, I felt that I had found a way forward.

Afterwards, I was on the path to victory: I became champion of France, European and World Championship, obtaining my pro card, and I qualified twice for the most prestigious bodybuilding competition in the world: Mister Olympia.
This was made possible by winning professional competitions. 

But my impact goes beyond the titles.As pioneer of the wellness category in France and Europe, I started a movement in 2017 that has grown year after year.
Indeed, when I arrived in Europe in 2015, the category was still unknown to Europeans.
I immediately set the level much higher in France and pushed further most of the athletes who are currently on the circuit.
I was also an athlete’s coach, accompanying 2 of my students to obtain the professional card of their dreams.
I was the first professional wellness athlete in France, and the next 2 athletes were in my team.
I then decided to stop physical preparations to devote myself to other areas.
All this success has come, thanks to my discipline over the years.

All this success has come, thanks to my discipline over the years.
To have a physique like that, you can't do things randomly, knowledge is indispensable: you have to know the road.
Of course, at the beginning of my journey I made many mistakes, I didn't know what to eat before my session or the appropriate interval between one lower body session and the next, or even how to distribute my macronutrients during my day.
So I started looking for information. I understood that physical change, like any other discipline, needs to be done intelligently, knowing exactly where we want to go.
Furthermore, bodybuilding in my country is more than a sport: it is a passion, a devotion, practiced with respect and joy. In Brazil we have a particular vision of bodybuilding and fitness.
This is the vision I try to convey to my students.
The physical change experienced with joy, passion and lightness.

I always knew that my life mission was to motivate and help others, even though I wasn’t sure how I was going to do that; until the day I started coaching.
I have found my place in the world.
Every change, every assessment I received from my students, every audio full of emotions while thanking me made me sure that this job is above all my greatest passion.

Sport has completely changed my life, my way of being, and today I feel able to help you accomplish all your physical goals, whether it is weight loss, muscle gain, handling or creating new goals.

In the end, it’s not our body that changes, but the way you look at yourself, and that’s priceless.